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great flying gumboots
Name 10 people you can think of right off the top of your head.
Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all ten people. goes...
1. hannah p.
How did you meet 3?
school, it was such a fateful day that we met. (not that i remember the exact day or moment or anything)
How long have you known number 8?
we met at the start of year 1o, so 2 years and abit
2. hannah w.
How do u know 7?
What would you do if 4 confessed they loved you?
give him an icecream and ask for my jumper back lol
3. soph
A fact about number 4?
he stole my jumper, hence why i would ask for it back
Would you live with 8?
yea probably, we would probably be pretty good roomies
4. sam
(he's the boy)
Do you miss number 1?
well i just spent the last 2 days with her so ... YES
What does 5 do for a living? she wants to be a teacher
5. alex
What do you like about number 1?
she has lots of shows on dvd, like veronica mars, monk, friends, arrested development
and she once bought me an icecream just cause i said i wanted one, i didnt even have to bribe her or beg her :)
Do you miss number 1?
well i just spent the last 2 days with her so ... YES
6. clare
What would you do if 3 and 9 were going out?
hahahaha soph and jamin lol
that would be hilarious, and also wrong on so many levelsHow do u know 7?
7. phoebe
Which one out of 3 & 5 are the coooolestt?
ahhh alex hands down, soph has tried to steal my lover (tyrone), along with quite a number of my pens, too many times for her to be cool8. eesh
Ever slept at 6's house?
noooo i have only been there once but she does have a very sleepable room so you know if i ever want to/am invited i would be more than happy to
Which one do you tell the most to?
number 1 and 2
9. jamin
Who do you have the worst pic of?
hehe hannah w!
Who's the most childish in your list?
welll im not on the list so i guess it would have to be soph or hannah p. (ps. hannah tried, but failed, to drown me today!)
Which one would you label as emo?
ermm out af all of them....none, theyre all too positive
10. martin
What would you do if 10 and 4 went out?
hahaha sam and martin
well one is a good friend and the other is my brother sooo....sure go for it boys *cough*
What would you do if 8 was the father of the baby with 4?
well theres a bit of role reversal for you
eesh is the father and sam is the mother, i would probably laugh then just sit and stare blankly for abit, trying to work out how that happened
maybe sam is like that giy who has lady parts and can have a baby
Who do you text the most on the list?
its a mixture of afew of them
although i should really stop because i spend too much on creditWho would you laugh most at if they tripped?
haha all of them, but mostly hannah p cause its just funny when she falls on her face
thanks for reading my rambling thoughts,
doodle brain
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